Jun 24

Designing Writing Assignments with AI in Mind (Online Workshop)

Mon, June 24, 2024 • 10:30am - 12:00pm (1h 30m) • Zoom
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As Generative AI (GAI) tools like ChatGPT become more accessible, versatile, and powerful, all faculty need to develop a sense of what these tools can do and how they might affect students’ work and learning in your courses. Whether you allow, forbid, or actively incorporate GAI tools in your assignments, you’ll serve your students best if your policies reflect reasoned, informed choices that you can present to them in the context of your course goals and your expectations for their learning.

This workshop will discuss the current capabilities of the major GAI tools and offer concrete strategies to determine how GAI might affect your assignments. We’ll also discuss ways to address GAI and its limitations with your students, regardless of the boundaries you choose to draw for its use in your courses.

Led by George Cusack, Director of Writing Across the Curriculum

Event Contact: George Cusack
Event Link: for More Information

Event Summary

Designing Writing Assignments with AI in Mind (Online Workshop)
  • Intended For: Faculty
  • Categories: Meeting/Conference/Workshop

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