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Monday, June 3, 2024



We look Forward to seeing you on Saturday, June 8 at 菲律宾十大彩票平台’s 150th Commencement! The academic procession will assemble on the sidewalk in front of Laird by 9:00am 和 will begin processing (in pairs) toward Hasenstab Hall at 9:20am. Please visit the Commencement webpage For more inFormation.

Academic Technology Reminders For the End of Term

As our academic year 和 spring term come to an end, here are some reminders from Academic Technology:

End of Term 和 Final Exams

Academic Technologists will be available by appointment throughout final exams 和 the submission of final grades.

Managing Access to Course Content after Final Exams

现在, by default Moodle courses remain accessible For students who were enrolled in a particular course. If you want additional security For the materials (quizzes, 作业, lecture notes) of a concluded course, please check out Moodle: Options For restricting student access with suggestions For hiding your Moodle course or making specific parts of your Moodle course invisible For your past students. (This default is anticipated to change starting in Fall 2024, so please take this as an early warning that your future students will need to actively retain materials from completed courses if they want access after the course ends.)

Getting Ready For the 2024 – 25 Academic Year

Summer is the time For ITS to make changes to physical 和 virtual learning environments.

Summer 最后期限

7月15日: Deadline For changes/additions to software in classrooms 和 computer labs. Please submit a Helpdesk ticket beFore 7月15日. Any requests that come in after 7月15日 may need to be delayed until Winter term, especially if the request requires purchasing 和/or extensive testing For new software applications. You do not need to submit a request For existing software.

8月1日: Deletion of the oldest courses from the Moodle server, from the 2018-19 Academic Year. If you would like to save a copy of your course materials, we recommend that you create a backup file of your course 和 download it to your favorite file storage location. Instructions For how to create a backup file are available in this 简短的视频 或者这个 Knowledge Base article.

Please remember that ITS is removing computers from many teaching podiums this summer. The full list is posted in the ITS 新闻letter. Please check out your classrooms in late August 和 reach out with questions.

Strategies For 2024 – 25 Classes

If you want to have longer conversations about pedagogical strategies For your 2024-25 classes, please consider contacting Jennifer Ross-Wolff, Director of the LTC, or Wiebke Kuhn, Director of Academic Technology.

The AT team will remain available via emails 和 through the ITS ticketing system throughout the summer. PEPS will offer support by appointment only; send an email to peps@azarnewsonline.com.

More details at End of Academic Year Support 和 Summer Changes.

LTC Survey: Help Us Plan Our Future!

The Perlman Center For Learning 和 Teaching (LTC) is asking staff 和 faculty to help us plan For our future! Please complete the brief LTC survey, which will help us examine how well we are addressing our mission 和 how we can best meet the 菲律宾十大彩票平台 community’s needs 和 interests in the future. This survey is a key element of both our upcoming external review 和 For planning how the LTC fits within the framework of the 菲律宾十大彩票平台 2033 strategic direction. Thanks For taking the time to share your feedback!

工作人员ing Changes to the Grants Office

Quinn Arnold has been promoted to the role of Assistant Director in the Grants Office. Over her four years at 菲律宾十大彩票平台, Quinn has steadily acquired the knowledge 和 skills required to work effectively with faculty grant applicants, most recently as the Grants Specialist supporting Associate Director Charlotte Whited. As faculty grant proposals 和 new awards grow in number, 各种, 和 complexity, Quinn will work with Charlotte to continue this record of success. 教师 interested in pursuing grant opportunities are welcome to contact either Charlotte or Quinn.


Departmental 建议 Plans

Thank you to those of you that have already filled out your advising plan. If you have not already done so, please fill out this simple 谷歌的形式 by 5pm, June 14, 2024. The inFormation provided will allow our office to get a sense of the number of advising slots that departments prefer to allocate to liberal arts advising. 请注意, 然而, that this indicates preference 和 is not a binding number 和 we may reach out to departments 和 individual faculty concerning their advising load.

Important 日期 和 最后期限

  • 结婚nesday, June 05, 8:30am: Senior Grades Due
  • Saturday, June 08: Commencement
  • 结婚nesday, June 12, 8:30am: Grades Due

建议 Quick Links

Grants 和 Fellowships

Civic 和 Voter Engagement Mini-Grants

Project Pericles, a program funded by The Mellon Foundation 和 The Eugene M. Lang Foundation, is offering a Civic 和 Voter Engagement $1,000 mini-grant opportunity to humanities faculty 和 all staff.

The funds can go directly to faculty as stipends For addressing the following in a humanities course next year:

  • Teach students how to vote 和 why it matters
  • Connect course content to real-world policy
  • Educate students about voter suppression

Alternatively, staff can use the funds to host programming related to voting, drawing on content from the Project Pericles voting modules on how to vote, why voting matters, 等. The CCCE has already secured one such grant For its voter education programming, but other staff across campus are invited to apply.

Friday, June 28 is the next priority deadline. Applications are awarded on a rolling basis afterwards. Apply 和 learn more at www.projectpericles.org/fellowship.

教师 Career Enhancement Grants Available Through ACM

The Associated Colleges of the Midwest invites proposals from faculty 和 staff project teams that advance the following 教师 Career Enhancement (FaCE) program 目标:

  • Engage faculty either from multiple ACM institutions or different departments within a single institution,
  • Identify 和 test innovations that address current challenges or opportunities faced by liberal arts colleges 和 their faculty, 和
  • Show plans to be sustainable on the campuses involved.

除了, ACM welcomes submissions that advance the work of previously funded FaCE projects that project teams successfully guided to their conclusion. Proposals are due 9月. 27, 2024; awards will range from $5,000 to $30,000.

Contact Grants Office Director Christopher Tassava at x4047 or ctassava@azarnewsonline.com For more inFormation.


Mental Health First Aid Training – June 6

Don’t miss your last opportunity to receive Mental Health First Aid Training this school year! Mental Health First Aid is a skills-based training course that teaches participants about mental health 和 substance-use issues. In the Mental Health First Aid course, you learn risk factors 和 warning signs For mental health 和 addiction concerns, strategies For how to help someone in both crisis 和 non-crisis situations, 和 where to turn For help.

This free training will be held on Thursday, June 6th in St. Olaf’s Buntrock Commons (BC 142) with a certified instructor. The course will run For 7-8 hours. All materials will be provided For you. Training is from 9am-4:30pm with a break For lunch.

Register by June 4th to reserve your spot in the course!