Summer Updates and Notices

28 May 2024
By ITS Staff

Summer is an active time in ITS, a time to manage updates and improvements that aren’t feasible during the academic terms. This year, there are four areas of updates or notices we are highlighting in this article: Software updates, Networking updates, Moodle updates and tips, and File management and storage notices and resources.

Four icons with a text label underneath each one: Moodle, Software, Network, and File Management.

Select any section below for details.

Moodle Updates

As has been our policy for almost 10 years, on August 1st we will delete the oldest courses on Moodle. 

All course sites from the 2018-2019 academic year will be deleted on August 1, 2024

Please take a moment to review any of your course sites from this time and take steps to backup your content. We recommend that you save your Moodle page as a PDF file using your browser’s print function, along with creating a Moodle backup file. (The backup files produced by Moodle are not human-readable, but you can store them on your favorite file storage system and restore them to Moodle again in the future.) The PDF version will be your human-readable version.

If you have any questions or problems, please reach out to Carly Born (cborn) or Em Palencia (epalencia).

Software Updates

Over the summer, all computer labs on campus will be updated to the latest available software. See this list of software programs installed in the labs.  If there is software you expect that is not listed, please email by July 15th

For departmental computer labs, the move to a single operating system is being addressed collaboratively with the associated department(s). The chosen operating system for the labs will be based on its compatibility with the required software and functionalities.

Carleton’s ArcGIS license is changing on July 1, 2024.  Starting July 1, 2024 we will only have access to ArcGIS Pro named user license.  You can claim this license by signing in to ArcGIS Online using your Carleton credential. ArcMap licenses will no longer be available to Carleton users. For more information, please check out ESRI’s guide to starting ArcGIS Pro with a named user license.

Network Updates

There will be quite a few networking updates, additions and improvements around campus this summer. As each one approaches, there may be brief network outages for some offices. Those affected will be notified.

Carleton is in the midst of a multi-year journey to sell our IPv4 internet address space (the 137.22.x.x that you’re used to in IP addressing here at Carleton). We’ve sold half of it and are working to clear the rest by moving systems and people to private address space. 

Changes in support of the Student Life and Housing Plan:

  • Lilac Hill housing will be brought online.
  • Union Street housing will be brought online.
  • Townhouses will receive new connectivity and switching.
  • Eight Res Life properties will be demolished and networking deinstalled at their locations.

Other summer work will include:

  • Moving the phone system to the lower range of the network address space that we are keeping. This change will occur in June.
  • Rec Center will be getting new switching equipment.
  • Weitz will receive new redundant aggregate switching.
  • (IPv4 project) move of ACAD connected systems to private address space or “kept” address space as appropriate. (This will commence in June and will be completed by August.)
  • Decommissioning of legacy DNS and DHCP infrastructure.  This will happen in June.

If you have questions or concerns about any of these changes, please contact the ITS Helpdesk (507 222 5999).

File Management and Storage

Commencement is around the corner, and, for graduating seniors, brings the tough work of determining what to take with them and what to leave behind. Digital files are no different.

Graduating students lose their Carleton Google accounts after commencement (at the end of July), and with it, all their emails and access to their digital files stored in Google Drive. If no action is taken, those files shared with you could be deleted in 5 years.

Any digital file a student created and shared with you will eventually be deleted unless the student:

  • transferred ownership of the file to you, or
  • placed the file in a Shared Drive managed by you or your department. 

This impacts faculty as well as supervisors of those students. So, between now and the end of the term, consider asking your students to transfer ownership to you of any files shared with you.

Please also ask your student employees to review these important “Moving On” tips.

Take action now — connect with your students and discuss what path to take. For more information, check out the information in Store Smart, Store Less.

Other resources on the topic:

For more information, please reach out to Paula Lackie (plackie).

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