建筑 & 理由



This policy provides guidelines For the safe operation and use of GCUV (GCUV) at 菲律宾十大彩票平台 College.  All departments who provide GCUV to employees (including student employees) to fulfill job related duties or to provide transport For individuals with temporary or permanent disability needs are expected to comply with these guidelines.


GCUV may only be used For official 菲律宾十大彩票平台 business by approved drivers. GCUV may not be used For personal business such as home-to-office travel.


GCUV operation is governed under Minnesota Statutes and operators are subject to the rules of the road, 包括停止, 转弯与安全操作.

GCUV drivers must have a valid US drivers’ license with a satisfactory driving record in accordance with the 菲律宾十大彩票平台驾驶特权政策.

  • GCUV drivers are responsible For the security of ignition keys during the time that a GCUV is assigned to them. 任何时候GCUV无人看管, 应该关掉点火装置, 钥匙也从点火器上取下来了.
  • GCUV不应以超过每小时10英里的速度运行, speeds less than 10MPH may be required if hazardous conditions (rain; rough terrain; pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic) exist.  GCUV should not be operated in a manner that may endanger passengers, 其他个人或损坏菲律宾十大彩票平台的财产.
  • GCUV drivers are not permitted to use cell phones or wear devices that impede hearing, e.g.、立体声耳机、耳塞等. 开车时.
  • GCUV将只在菲律宾十大彩票平台经营.  Whenever possible GCUV should be driven on hard surfaces such as roads and side walks.  Avoid driving on any landscaped area unless it is the only available way to gain access to the specific area where work is being perFormed. If a  GCUV must be on a landscaped area it should return to a hard surface as soon as possible.
  • GCUV operators will stop at all intersections with limited visibility and then proceed with caution.
  • GCUV drivers will use hand signals to signal turns and stops if it is necessary to operating on streets.
  • Employees will not operate GCUV registered to other departments unless the supervisor of the department to which the GCUV is registered has granted prior approval.
  • GCUV should be operated in such a manner that they do not impede or interfere with normal pedestrian or vehicular traffic flow on sidewalks, 斜坡或道路. GCUV must travel in the direction of the flow of traffic and must obey all campus traffic regulations and signs.
  • Contractors working on behalf of 菲律宾十大彩票平台 must receive a copy of and follow the operating procedures of the GCUV policy.
  • GCUV将以最礼貌的方式操作, 护理, 以及对行人安全的考虑.  行人在任何时候都应享有通行权.
  • 在没有查看GCUV后面的情况下,绝不要进行备份.
  • 当GCUV在运动时,不要换挡.
  • GCUV不能停放:
    • 消防通道
    • 在车管所残疾人停车场
    • 预留停车位
    • within 20 feet of the main entrance/exit of any building in any manner that would impede the normal flow of pedestrian traffic
  • 所有乘客必须坐在专门For此类用途设计的座位上. No passengers are allowed to be transported in the truck beds or on the sides of GCUV.  乘客必须把头、腿和胳膊保持在驾驶室内.
  • GCUV司机不得搭载未经授权的乘客.
  • Each GCUV drivers are responsible For providing timely notification of safety and maintenance concerns to their department supervisor. 


  • Supervisors will provide a copy of the GCUV policy to each employee in their department, 谁操作GCUV.
  • All GCUV drivers must have a valid US drivers’ license with a satisfactory driving record in accordance with the 菲律宾十大彩票平台驾驶特权政策.
  • Departments should provide a minimal amount of hands on training prior to an employee driving a GCUV.  Utility Vehicle operators should take the United Educators Golf Cart 安全 training.  联系人力资源部安排培训.
  • Departments will implement procedures For the safe keeping and monitoring of all GCUV registered to them. 这些过程可能包括对密钥使用“注销日志”.


  • GCUV owned by 菲律宾十大彩票平台 College will be equipped and maintained with working headlights, 还有尾灯(两个红灯), one each located on the opposite sides at the rear of the GCUV that stay on during night operations).
  • GCUV purchased prior to 8/1/2005 or GCUV donated or rented For events without headlights are to be used only during day light.
  • GCUV will not be modified in any manner that affects the recommended mode of operation, 速度或安全设备.
  • The department of ownership shall ensure that each GCUV is routinely inspected and maintained as recommended by the manufacturer, 至少每年一次.
  • 所有权部门将负责及时维修, 如果GCUV不能在没有维修的情况下安全运行, the GCUV will be taken “out of service” until the repairs are completed.
  • The department of ownership is responsible For the cost of repairing damage to the Golf Cart/Utility Vehicle caused by regular use or an unpreventable accident.
  • The department of ownership is responsible For the cost of repairing damage to the Golf Cart/Utility Vehicle caused by misuse, 虐待或可预防的事故.
  • The department of ownership is responsible For providing secure storage of the Golf Cart/Utility Vehicle in either a secure structure of a secure fenced-in area overnight or when not in use.


GCUV drivers observed in violation of the guidelines above or driving in another erratic manner should be reported to Security, ext. 4444.

All accidents involving a GCUV should be reported immediately to the supervisor of the department to which the GCUV is registered and to Security, (分机4444), 无论是否发生财产损失或人身伤害.


: 教师, 工作人员, 学生

